Chemical Plant Update v1.0.0.0 LS22

LS22 Packs

Chemical Plant Update v1.0.0.0 LS22

This mod extends the use of methane and electric charge from BGAs to your vehicles.
BGAs that spawn battery pallets and load methane to special trailers allow you to fill and reload from purchasable charging station and/or biogas station that you must fill to use.
All BGAs included allow Methane to be loaded into vehicles and electric charge to be spawned in battery pallets with double output speeds.
Compost and tobacco are also included to provide alternative options for BioGas production and enhancement.
Based on real world applications, the following crops can be used to produce Silage at the Fermentation Loft: Sunflower, Sugarcane, Canola, Corn, Soybean, Tobacco, Hay, Grass & Chaffa
Refined Seed Oil used to produce BGA products can be made from Sunflower, Sugarcane, Canola, Corn, Soybean, Tobacco or Cotton
Mod includes: Productions x7, Vehicles x3, Trailers x3, Greenhouses x2, Tools x2
Categories: Production Factories
The Lab Chemical Factory
Price: $190000
Input: Silage Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Liquid Manure Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Manure Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Sugarbeet Outputs: Sugarbeet Cut
Input: Sugarbeet Cut Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Compost Outputs: Electric Charge, Methane, Digestate
Input: Digestate, Woodchips, Water Outputs: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen
Input: Electric Charge, Water Outputs: Hydrogen, Oxygen
Input: Woodchips, Stone Outputs: Carbon, Oxygen, Lime
Input: Nitrogen, Hydrogen Outputs: Anhydrous Ammonia
Input: Carbon, Hydrogen Outputs: Propane
Input: Carbon, Hydrogen Outputs: Methane
Input: Nitrogen, Oxygen Outputs: Liquid Nitrogen
Input: Crop Seed Oil Outputs: Diesel, Liquid Fertilizer, Methane
Input: Propane Outputs: Diesel
Price: $335000
Price: $800000
Price: $930000
Tobacco Processor:
Price: $33000
Input: Tobacco Outputs: Cured Tobacco, Tobacco Seed
Input: Cured Tobacco Outputs: Silage
Tobacco Seed Press:
Price: $50000
Input: Tobacco Seed Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Sunflower Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Canola Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Cotton Outputs: Crop Seed Oil, Fabric
Input: Sugarcane Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Input: Maize Outputs: Crop Seed Oil
Crop Fermentation Loft:
Price: $43000
Input: Chaff Outputs: Silage
Input: Grass, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Hay, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Sunflower, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Sugarcane, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Canola, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Maize, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Soybean, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Input: Tobacco, Silage Additive Outputs: Silage
Categories: Production Tools
Charging Station
Price: $5000
Biogas Station
Price: $5000
Categories: Vehicles Small Tractors
Price: $29500
TK4/TK4 Electric
Price: $32500
Categories: Tools Trailers
Price: $15000
Price: $48000
Price: $9500
Placeable Categories: Production Greenhouses
Composthouse Small:
Price: $3000
Input: Water Outputs: Strawberry, Lettuce, Tomato
Input: Strawberry, Lettuce, Tomato Outputs: Compost
Tobaccohouse Small:
Price: $9000
Input: Water Outputs: Tobacco


Why & How to use FS25 mods

Have you tried Farming Simulator 25 Mods already? Downloading FS25 / FS22 mods is one of the best ways to upgrade your Farming Simulator 25 / 22 game by just installing it. All that you need is to select Farming Simulator 25 / 22 mod and upload it to your game mod folder. Here you will find modifications such as Tractors, Maps, harvesters mods for FS22 / FS22. However, the best way to see how it works is just to try and explore these LS25 / LS22 mods right now.

LS22 Packs

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