BallySpring Map v1.2.0.0 LS22

BallySpring Map v1.2.0.0 LS22
Welcome to BallySpring!
A fictional Irish map based in the West of Ireland with 172 fields, mainly grassland with some arable fields. There are 10 farm yards to choose from.
Highly customisable map with all buildings, walls, hedges, fences and yard clutter etc. removable.
Note: Once you start in either Farm Manager or Start from Scratch modes, you dont own any land so wont be able to interact with any of the objects etc. until you purchase some land.
All gates on the map are opened by default. This is to allow access to the fields etc. to complete contracts. You can only open/close the gates that are on land that you own. This is a compromise so the gates can be sold.
The open animal pastures in the map have a placement marker to show the size when placing. After placement, this marker needs to be manually turned off by walking up to the sign and left clicking your mouse.
Custom Animals: Bulls, Calves, Goats, Ducks and more
The Goats give you Goats Milk. To collect the Goats Milk from the pasture there is custom versions of the ingame Lizard MKS 8 & MKS 32 Liquid Tankers in the shop
Custom Cattle Breeds: Hereford, Jersey, Charolais & Simmental plus basegame Holstein, Swiss, Angus & Limousin
Multi Terrain Angle
Maize Plus mod supported
Animal Grazing mod supported
Enhanced Animal System mod supported
Mud System mod supported
Custom Traffic. AlienJim’s Left Hand Drive traffic pack installed.
Irish Number Plates
Disturbed Simulations seasonal growth plan with Grapes, Olives, Cotton and Sugarcane removed
Relight Installed
Custom Sounds
Custom NPC’s
Road Network built in Blender
All hedges have collisions. The collisions can be disabled by pressing O at the workbench in the shop
Removable Hedges, Walls, Fences etc. (Press O at the object to remove)
Productions and sellpoints
Precision farming ready with realistic soil map
Most things only work once the land has been bought. Animals, silos etc.
Due to the amount of pre-placed aniaml husbandries on the map, the “More Animal Husbandries Possible (64)” mod is
required to make all husbandries functional and enable additional husbandries to be placed down.
Happy Farming! If you find any bugs with the map, please report in the Eire Agri Discord server.
To keep up to date with the map and future projects, please join the Eire Agri Discord server.
Credits: Reference the Contributors tags. If there is anyone we forgot to mention, apologies.
V1.2.0.0 (New save required)
Initial ModHub release
Zip name remaned to remove _pc
Moved credits from description to contributors section
Debranded multiple textures at request of GIANTS
Icon image renamed
Updated preview image
Updated Overview image (aka PDA)
Moved storeItems from modDesc.xml to storeItems.xml
Made the feed troughs in the open pastures hideable by pressing O at them
Removed Renault Master from Mobile Home as it has too many polys
Changed icon for Tommy Shlug NPC
Tidied up fillTypes xml
Tidied up fruitTypes xml
Removed grape and olive from the growth calender
Corrected floating cottage between field 117 and 124
Corrected rusty gate at the Dark Blue farm (Clipping into the shed)
Added autoopen=”false” tag to the animatedObjet code for the hedges, fences and walls to prevent these from automatically hiding/uniding when “AnimatedObject Extend” mod active
Corrected slighty floating bridge entering open pasture at starter farm
Made placeable mods required mods for the map instead of having them built into the map at request of GIANTS
Made the hedge collisions toggleable (Trigger at the workbench in the shop)
Removed duplicated pine trees
Adjusted triggers on multiple fences to prevent them conflicting with hedges / walls below them
Note: It is possible to continue on an existing save using V1.2.0.0 but you will need to update the filename references in your savegame. Anywhere “FS22_ballySpring_pc” is currently mentioned needs to be updated to “FS22_ballySpring”.
V1.1.0.3 (New save requirements detailed below)
Corrected floating log stacks at sawmill (New save required)
Increased size of bale trigger at all the sell points to make it easier to sell bales (New save NOT required)
Changed width of the pedestrian splines to help with pedestrians clipping through buildings etc. Still will happen but not as often (New save NOT required)
Altered the mud mod info layers. Made the mud less severe (New save required)
Corrected typo in animals xml to make use of the new feature added to Chissel’s Enhanced Animal System mod Custom animals now do not get overridden by the EAS mod (New save NOT required)
Modified foliage areas for the sheep pasture at yellow farm and cow pasture at dark blue farm to use entire field for grazing mod (New save required)
Added Swiss cows and additional Brown & White variation for the Holsteins. Holsteins and Swiss cows now using basegame fully grown cow model instead of same model as the heifers. (New save NOT required)
V1.1.0.2 (New save NOT required)
Changed the control for hiding the hedges, fences, walls etc. from left mouse button to the O key not to conflict with the gates
Restructured folder structure and removed BaseDirectoryFix.lua script to avoid certain xml files getting overridden by other mods
This was causing manure to appear transparent when mods that loaded their own fillTypes xml were activated.
Made all collectibles collectable, some of them were conflicting with removable objects triggers
Corrected shader errors from test tool in preparation for modhub submission
V1.1.0.1 (New save requirements detailed below)
Corrected typo in placeables xml loading OakTreeHouse.xml (New save required)
Corrected issue with not being able to feed the dog at the main farm (New save required)
Updated terrainShader.xml to be compatible with game version 1.9.1 (New save NOT required)
Updated Garage, Mart, Potato & Pub sell points to accept bales (New save NOT required)
Added open pig pasture in the shop (New save NOT required)
Added size marker to open chicken pasture (New save NOT required)
Corrected height of the navigation mesh on the large open sheep pasture (Was causing the animals to float in mid air) (New save NOT required)
V1.1.0.0 (New save required)
Fixed issue with calf igloo’s causing animal pens not to appear in the menu
Added support for Animal Grazing mod to the open pastures
Added new cattle breeds to chose from (Thanks to Bronkema & Chissel for the permissions)
Fixed Silage Pits
Fixed issue with the Horses not being rideable
Start from Scratch mode now starts with no vehicles
Slurry pit at main farm no longer deleted when Farm Manager or Start from Scratch mode selected
AI worker now detects all fields
Modified Mission Vehicles to be more suitable to the map
Fixed multiple floating objects
Improved Traffic Splines and Traffic Behaviour
Decreased collision size on the traffic
Terrain Smoothing
Converted all the gates on the map to placeables so they can now be sold
Converted the buildings on each yard to placeables so they can now be sold
Converted all hedges, walls and fences to animated objects so they can now be removed
Added more farmlands to break up the unused space in the map for expansion
Updated soil map to give some areas that dont have silty clay
Added Fantasy License Plate Options
Added Collectibles
Added support for the mud system mod
Fixed issue when some trees were cut the game crashed
General Improvements and Optimizations