CaseIH 1020 v1.0.0.0 LS22

CaseIH 1020 v1.0.0.0 LS22
A revolutionary part of Farming Simulator with the 1020 headers having the ability to float with the ground! Starting this project back in October of 2022 and then coming back to it in November 2023 was quite the stretch. I’m glad I waiting that long though because some of the breakthroughs I have had before and while making these headers really made the difference.
Said before these 1020 headers have my HSFS or Height Sensing Floatation System, FS kind of correlates with Farm Sim. Anyhow these headers are set up for my 14 combines and the 23 series edit, attached to these combines the headers are set to float at a certain height according to the terrain and the cutterbar glides across at the lowest point to the ground ensuring you get every last pod. They are also equipped with FieldTracker therefore when attached to my 23 series or any combine with a tilting feeder mount, these heads with rotate in terrain changes.
This pack only concerns the 1998-2011 generation of 1020’s thatcome in 15′. 20′, 25′, and 30′. When I do any older combines I will make sure to do the generation that applies. 1010’s are a maybe.