EDM Mercedes Urban ETruck V1.0.0.0 LS22

EDM Mercedes Urban ETruck V1.0.0.0 LS22
Power: 335/400hp;
Speed:90/120 km/h;
Cost:100,000€ Basic Price;
Cab color selection;
Choice of interior color;
Rim color selection;
Mirrors Configuration (interior mirrors do not work because a script is required.
I have added standard exterior mirrors that work fine):
Engine configuration;
License plate configuration;
Animated, pedals, Doors
Working lighting equipment;
Working mirrors;
Leaves traces;
Gets dirty and washes;
animated ramps for loading Vehicles (to set the distance between the ramps hold down the two buttons on the mouse and move left/right)
Wheels rise up and down (mouse button)
Autoload Configuration
In addition, the Pumps&Hoses and Platinum DCL palettes are loadable when enabled.
Supports Pallet Autoload Specialization from Achimobil
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