Fed production pack V2.0.1.0 LS22

Fed production pack V2.0.1.0 LS22
Production Pack 2.0.1
Optimized cheese pallet visibility from the cheese
Animals can no longer be bought directly from the butcher via the production menu will
Take out a piece of wall at the bakery and collision at a building inserted
Moved some containers at the sawmill
Slightly reduced consumption of fertilizer and herbicides in the orchards
Laboratory carton pallet filling level is now additionally by pallets displayed
Ensiling agent pallets from the laboratory can now be loaded directly from the chopper will
Fixed dung heap at the separator
This is now my FED production pack.
The package is a summary of all placeable production mods made by me.
The Fed Mods package currently consists of
Fertilizer production (manure and liquid manure becomes fertilizer)
Seed production (from grain such as wheat + fertilizer we seed)
Fermenter (Grass and/or chaff becomes silage)
Feed factory (compound feed for cows and feed production for pig feed)
Refinery (canola or sunflower becomes diesel and pig feed)
More mods will follow in the next weeks/months.