Field Lease v1.0.0.0 LS22

Field Lease v1.0.0.0 LS22
You have no money to buy fields?
No problem! Then simply lease some. At the beginning of the lease you have to pay 2% of the purchase price for administration etc.. After that you have
daily lease fees.
You can lease plots in the game menu. Note that a plot can have several fields and the field number does not have to be the plot number!
Hi dear mod-developer,
we currently have problems with this mod, but we love the idea of it!
We experiencing problems in leasingcosts, it charges the FULL month-amount per DAY. e.g. we have set a period of 7 days per month, we did not change that since the beginning and we are currently leasing field 34, that should cost 179€ per Day, but are getting charged 1255€ EVERY day, 7 days per months, so we are loosing a lot of money. We had a look at the basegame- economy.xml but the period here is also set to 7. We expericence this in SP and in MP, for every new or every existing savegame. We are still using it but we cheat back the money we lose every day.
I hope you can find the problem and fix it, we really appreciate this mod a lot as its getting many options how to play!
Have a nice Day.
Hi, there is a little update here, we fixed the issue by ourselfes.
We changed the “fiellease.lua” on the function “Fiellease:ondaychanged() on the following line:
how it was before:
leased[farmId] = leased[farmId] + (farmland.price * InGameMenuFieldLease.LEASE_MULTIPLIER)
This was causing the leasingcosts to explode to the monthly price PER DAY, not per month. See example in my first post.
we fixed it like this:
leased[farmId] = leased[farmId] + ((farmland.price * InGameMenuFieldLease.LEASE_MULTIPLIER) / g_currentMission.environment.daysPerPeriod)
now it will deduct the right amount of mony per day (179€ for field 34 instead of 1255€)
I hope this could help other users.