Flat Lands 4X PLUS v1.0.0.0 LS22

Flat Lands 4X PLUS v1.0.0.0 LS22
99% complete, few signs and deco left, all extra production from USA MAP PLUS works with this map also.
Large fields Plus new fill types and production crude oil pump and other triggers, Crude Oil Propane Anhydrous Dry Corn SUN CHARGE, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Fish and Sea Weed, for new feed mineral, changed round and square bale capacities, round and square of the same size now match each other in liters, with extra capacity added, anhydrous pallet added to be able to unload anhydrous anywhere, farm barn (FS22_Traditional_American_Barn no mod needed) with silo and trigger for grass, straw, and dry grass.