Hills View Farm V1.0.0.3 LS22

Hills View Farm V1.0.0.3 LS22
29/04/2023 18.30pm UK time. Large Update V1.0.0.3.
The map has been updated for the latest game update patch by Giants Software. Also my production pack, object storage, placeable deco and more from the FS22 Four Lakes Farm map along with new paintable foliage have all been added. Hundreds of tweaks and adjustments have also been added to the map in this update. Although a new save is not required it is recommended. I would advise at least selling off any items from my production pack at least in your current game to avoid errors.
Also a new version of the map has been added for download below FS22 Hills View Open By Stevie. This has only 1 field and no missions, the rest of the fields have been cleared so the user can carve out their own with a plough.
Here’s the release video for the FS22 Hills View By Stevie for the PC.
See below for the map download link direct from my Google Drive and the link to Auto Drive Guy’s channel where you will find a complete route solution for the map.
I wanted a map which was simple and offered beautiful views 360 degrees from the farm. I wanted to maximise space for farming and larger machines to optimise the user space which is map edge to edge for the normal sized play area. It has extra custom multfruit, custom textures and foliage, a few custom production’s, custom animals, is course play tested and ready. Has full AI splines, smaller forestry area, 2 larger flat placeable areas, removable farm except the house area, includes custom vehicle mods needed and more. I wanted larger steeper hills in this map so that’s what I created. The road way is slightly wider than normal and the ring road is traffic free for ease. Has Soil map and custom animal feed requirements, This map does NOT support the Maize Plus mods. The map has full missions, seasons snow mask, angle terrain, composting, bio diesel production, and the field areas are designed to be easily customised by the player. Supports all my mods and production pack 1 which are linked below. Have fun with it, kindest regards Stevie.
Special thanks to Pete. Michel, Chris and Auto Drive Guy.