John Deere 76-77-78-7930 2wd & 4wd v1.0.0.0 LS22

John Deere 76-77-78-7930 2wd & 4wd v1.0.0.0 LS22
Hi guys, I’ve completely overhaul Jukka’s Fs15 7930 to Fs22
In the pack 2 i3d, one 3wd the other 4wd 76-77-78-7930 for each.
Many North american tire options, FL was completly redone by Myself to fit the hoses from the JD700M FronTArms. It look awesome.
Front Grill Optional On FL option
Foldable Security Flashers,
Weight and Front Hydrolic Options
New Icons New Lights
Clean the mod to reduced its size A LOT
NO Fenders, I Hate them… lol
Hope you enjoy this beautifull pack, Lots of work improving the model and cleaning the mess from the others that edited it before me. Remember to like and share the mods !
Original Credits in the mod desc as usual.
Thanks to Jukka and his team for the original model
Its not 100% perfect, but I dont have time to put on this one anymore. So id say 98% perfect