Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT TP/Construction v6.1.3.2 LS22

Lake Providence La 4x MULTIFRUIT TP/Construction v6.1.3.2 LS22
More productions, more sellpoints, more visual detailing.
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Intended for RolePlay & Customization with placeables.
3 TP Pits (WIP)
25 Paintable Textures (Mountain Rock, River Mud, Concrete Brick, Cobblestone, Concrete Tiles, Gravel Dirt, Gravel Dust, Asphalt, etc.)
Additional Paintable Foliages
Additional Trees & Bushes Added to “Decorations”
Added TP FillTypes (Dirt, Coal, Tailings, Lithium Ore, Crude Oil, Rubber, Tires, Asphalt, Concrete, etc.)
Added Multifruit – Carrots, Lavender, Alfalfa, Clover, Rye, Hops, Cabbage and more to harvestable crops