Lizard PB5-032 v1.0.0.1 LS22

Lizard PB5-032 v1.0.0.1 LS22
Trailed tractor rollers PB5-032 actively ensure leveling the surface, breaking surface lumps, compacting the soil after sowing and rolling meadows.
Added new colors and adjusted shop prices.
The basic working elements are smooth steel rollers on a reinforced shaft. The main frame consists of 3 working sections, a main center section and two side openable sections.
Price: 1966.95 $
Working width: 6 m
Power required: 54 HP
Working speed: 15 km/h
Price: 655.65 $
Working width: 2 m
Power required: 15 HP
Working speed: 15 km/h
Other options:
– Choice of colors
– Hitch type configuration: none, left, right, both
– Rollers type configuration: smooth, toothed, cambridge