LS25 Amity Root Crops Harvester V1.1.0.0

LS25 Amity Root Crops Harvester V1.1.0.0
This is a modded version of the Amity hrv12R. This has been modified to harvest All Root Crops. I upped the capacity a little bit as well. For now, you will still need to Cut the tops of Sugar Beets. I uploaded an edited version of the Amity 3750 defoliator that works for Sugarbeets and another that works for Potatoes(If you still want to cut the tops of Potatoes separately).
At the moment I’m not sure how to make this harvester cut both. Hopefully we get windrowers added to the game soon.
Price: 175,000
Max Speed: 8kph
Root Crops: Potatoes, Carrots, Sugar Beets, Red Beets and Parsnips.
– Made it so that it now cuts the tops of Potatoes.