LS25 John Deere 9620 / 9630 V1.0.0.0

LS25 John Deere 9620 / 9630 V1.0.0.0
There are two different tractor configurations. They both have ability to open the door!
The first tractor:
1022L of diesel
starting price-$109,999 max price-$220,978
rock box option
6 engine configurations
19 tire configurations
2 different roof options
4 different exhaust options
3 different rear attach options
3 different GPS configurations
3 different beacon options
5 different versions: US or EU
Second tractor:
1363L of diesel
6rock box/weight options
5 engine configurations
2 different tire brands
21 tire configurations
2 different roof options
4 different exhaust options
3 different rear attach options
3 different GPS configurations
3 different beacon options
5 different versions: US or EU