LS25 Multi Grain Production V1.0.0.3

LS25 Multi Grain Production V1.0.0.3
A multi use production for making flour,and bread. All base game recipes for flour and bread with four new products, whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread, corn flower, and corn tortilla. I aslo included a selling station for the new items.
Category: Productions
Price: $55,000
Production Recipes:
Flour recipes
20 Wheat to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour
15 Oats to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour
15 Rice to 15 Flour 100 with cycles an hour
Bread recipes
25 Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour
25 Rice Flour to 20 Bread 50 with cycles an hour
New item recipes
Whole Wheat Flour recipe
20 Wheat to 20 Whole Wheat Flour with 100 cycles per hour
Corn Flour recipe
20 Corn to 20 Corn Flour with 100 cycles per hour
Whole Wheat Bread recipe
25 Corn Flour to 20 Whole Wheat Bread with 50 cycles per hour
Corn Tortilla recipe
25 Corn Flour to 20 Corn Tortilla with 50 cycles per hour
– Updated modDesc
– Updated new product pallets for autoload
– Made fill planes in selling point permanent for more realism
– Removed the grain gate on the selling point