Maddogs Design production v1.0.0.0 LS22

Maddogs Design production v1.0.0.0 LS22
The greenhouse produces tomatoes, lettuces and strawberries.
For the production of the mentioned things you need: manure, herbicides, water and seeds.
Storage space for water: 200000L, manure 240000L, herbicides: 240000L, seeds:240000L. There is also a power plant, which is required to produce electricity to operate the greenhouse. There is also a power plant, which is needed to generate electricity to run the greenhouse.
What’s needed here: This: 150,000, Digistate: 150,000, LIQUIDMANURE: 150,000, Silage: 150,000, Straw: 150,000, WOODCHIPS: 150,000, Manure 150,000.