SimpleIC v0.9.0.9 LS22

SimpleIC v0.9.0.9 LS22
fixed bug trigger_on and trigger_off not working — simpleIC_animations.lua:128: attempt to index local ‘self’ (a boolean value) fixed mouse disappearing in Multiplayer Bug
language CZ added by Kynuska
Removed Debug Prints, first “Release” Version, still not done but no more larger bugs so.
Warning: Old shape file format version found ‘weightSetBall.i3d.shapes’. fixed [issue #10]
fixed Error on Servers – attempt to call method ‘readStream’ (a nil value) [issue #8]
multiplayer synchronization fix [issue #6]
saving of animation State fix
losing interior sounds fix [issue #7]
Polish translation added (thanks KITT3000)
messed up version, please update again
fixed issue when saving simpleIC_animations.lua (81) [issue #4]
Initial Github Release for FS22
the most important thing:
How do I test and play this?
Download and add it to mod folder
download a mod that is SimpleIC ready or edit one for yourself (there is no example mod for FS22 as of right now, but I will add some later – the XML is the same as in FS19 though, so. You can use that)
Report bugs if you notice any, please with Log, Description, or Pictures
What this is:
This is a new take on the well-known Interactive Control Scripts in Farming Simulator. It has been established in FS19 as a well-known and well-used Mod, so here it is for FS22. I didn’t want to do this Mod again at first, but nobody else wanted to do it so. Here we go. I hope you like it and appreciate it, lol.
This is a global script, which means that it doesn’t have to be added to each Mod separately, no additional modDesc.xml changes like l10n Texts, etc. necessary.
Obviously, the vehicle-xml and i3d still have to be edited, the script can’t magically separate doors and add trigger points. But as soon as the needed lines are added, IC will be active as long as you have this mod active.
This also means that people who don’t like IC don’t have to remove all vehicle-mods, just not activate this mod.
This also means that there’s only one IC version and not 50 different ones that get into conflict with each other
updates to IC are global and useable in all mods
How to add this to my Mod:
There is an examples.xml explaining all the current possible XML entries and what they do. If you’re not brand new to modding, this should be enough to get going
If you already know modding well, here’s a short explanation: (look at the linked Deutz Agrostar above to see the full XML lines)
outsideInteractionTrigger = playerTrigger in which the player can open doors and other outside-stuff from the outside
animation Name = name of the animation for the door
animation Speed = speed of the animation (obvious)
shared animation = not added yet
soundVolumeIncreasePercentage = by how much will the sound-volume increase if that door is opened. Values will be added together for more than one door, max is outdoorSoundVolume
insideTrigger and outsideTrigger = “Triggerpoints” e.g. transformGroups that mark the spot where the IC component can be clicked
triggerPoint = index / i3dMapping name for the transformGroup
triggerPointSize = size/radius around the triggerPoint where it still registeres as being clicked