Toyota Hilux Invincible V4.0.0.0 LS22

Toyota Hilux Invincible V4.0.0.0 LS22
UPDATE 4 So whats new here? let me try to explain:
Moddesc 71
Made the file abit smaller
Designconfigs are clean up abit
Added more things to configs
1 Orginal tiers are back and 1 New tiers
Added Winch as working to drag timber with. (Need Platium Editon DLC)
Added Forestry equipment in back config (nice for forestry people)
PlaqueConvoiAgricole Config with choice
Convoi Agricole
Bred Last (Norwegian)
LedeBil (Norwegian)
Wide Load
Long Load
RoadWork Warningsign
Added more marklights
Added beaconbar / blitzers
Added frontlights
Added coffin
Added light back at rollbar
Added more colors to body and rims
Added chains
UPDATE Version
Added passenger. (need kubota DLC)
5 seat passengers
Minior bug fix.
UPDATE Version
Fixed Texture problems after 1.7 patch.
Added new config (Beacon also added new Beaconbar)
Minior fixes