VehicleInfo V1.5.0.0 LS22

VehicleInfo V1.5.0.0 LS22
Vehicle Info shows information about your vehicles and attachments, active/helper/player/parked, fillLevels.
+ Click on the text (vehicle) to switch to it.
+ Modify the order of appearance, to personalise the “Tab order”.
+ Show / Hide inactive and/or parked vehicles.
+ Skip inactive and/or parked vehicles, to personalise the “Tab order”.
+ See realtime information about the current status of your vehicles, attachments and fill levels.
How to use:
- Press ‘right mouse button’ to (de)activate the mouse cursor.
- Press ‘left ALT + m’ key to open the settings menu (close it with selecting ‘[X]close’).
- Change menu settings by clicking on the text.
- Click on the text to switch to the vehicle.
- Press ‘Tab’ key to switch to the next vehicle in the list,
press ‘left shift + Tab’ to switch to the previous one. - Press ‘left ALT’ key and ‘left mouse button’ to select a vehicle,
select another vehicle with ‘left ALT key’ and ‘left mouse button’ to switch the order. - Press ‘left ALT + q’ key to mark the vehicle as ‘[P]’ parked,
press again to remove parking or just start driving. - Click on the [Vi] icon (if enabled) to toggle the quick show function,
blue (off): only vehicles according to settigs are shown.
green (on): all vehicles are shown.
This mod is made by me from scratch with snippets/looks from some other mods. It was only meant for personal use, but upon request I share this with you. Created only for single player.
I got my inspiration from several mods, credits to: HappyLooser (VehicleInspector), sperrgebiet (VehicleExplorer), CoursePlay Dev team (CoursePlay), AutoDrive Dev team (AutoDrive).