Yukon Valley V4.0 Update
Adjusted all main bridges to allow all boats to pass underneath.
I have added FS Miners ec950 ec750 l350 and a60 Volvo equipment built into map. The excavators controls changed for FDR controls so no conflict.
Added hotspot for new limestone mine.
Updated PDA for new Limestone Mine and changes to Dirt Mine.
I’m going to work toward getting all RGC productions in it own categories over the next week. All terrain around the new changes need to be tested and looked at. This was a lot of work to raise the bridges, so sure there some terrain I goofed on.
You will need a NEW SAVE for the terrain changes to show for bridges.
Yukon Valley V4.0 Patch
Fixed particle effects for carrot, potato, and sugar beet harvesters.
Added new models for concrete and asphalt factory
Small .xml edits
Looking to add some more models to factories and add signage to all in the next couple weeks. I will be going away for a few on vacation so wanted to get this out for the weekend. Nothing has been tested just put these together with the limited time I have.
Hope you all enjoy and make sure to send me some feedback. Good or bad this allows the map to just keep getting better and better.
Really hope you all enjoy the Yukon. I sure have enjoyed putting it all together for you guys. I want to thank everyone that has been helping me with testing. The testers is what has allowed me to put together the map in just over a month from launch. Thank you and remember to Keep It Real!