FleurDeLys Map V1.2.0.0 LS22

FleurDeLys Map V1.2.0.0 LS22
Fleur De Lys v is the second edit of the Giants Haut-Beyleron map.
It is almost entirely focussed on the area south of the river.
The new features include:
A second farmhouse and farmyard area on the redesigned lake which you can activate by buying the farmland.
The second farm has a similar set of placeables to the start farm but without vehicles. It has a modded multi silo,
vehicle workshop, diesel tank, some extra vehicle sheds, a large shed for bigger machinery and 3 large greenhouses.
It also has an animal area which has a flat, good sized yard for placeables, a big chicken barn and a medium cow, pig,
sheep and horse barn.
A second Sawmill south of the river with vehicle sheds that will accomodate the large forestry machines.
To the west of the second sawmill there is new large buyable forestry area which is easy to work.
2 more flat fenced areas for placeables (making a total of 5) plus an unlevelled dirt yard for staging forestry machinery.
New and redesigned farm roads for easier access, more trees and foliage, and the odd structure/building here and there.
Most of the fields south of the river have been changed somewhat to facilitate the edit and the AI and larger machinery.
New PDA map and renumbering of fields.
A multi product sell point seen in game as “Mill”. It is much closer to the start farm and found SE next to field 48.
Collectibles now work.
The debris crusher has been moved to a more accessible area.
Adjusted Field 40. AI works as intended now.
Farmhouse and multi silo icon images appear on PDA and shop.
Requires a new game start
I hope you enjoy it.